
Shipping:  All orders are shipped via USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, the price is flat rate or FREE as follows:

(1) Items = $5.50
(2) Items = $6.25
(3) Items = $7.00
(4) Items = FREE

Packaging: Lavenderology uses USPS Priority Boxes provided by the USPS.  Internal packaging materials consist of recycled packing peanuts, bubble wrap and puff mailes received from our vendors.  In the event of needing to purchase packing peanuts, Lavenderology will only purchase biodegradeable packing peanuts that dissolve in water.

Lavenderology encourages you to recycle the materials you receive (cardboard/plastic/peanuts)

Contact:  You may email Lavenderology

Email  us at info@lavenderology.com